Make it stand out
Earnings from Wages
Pensions or current benefits in place
Any savings
Mortgage/rent details
Childcare costs
Benefits Calculator
The benefits calculator is a good way to determine benefits that are available to you, anyone wishing to start work or change their working hours can get an estimate of the benefits they may be entitled to. Those who are not currently in work or looking for work (economically inactive) may discover that they are entitled to certain benefits. It’s a simple tool to use, however you will need the following information if applicable, to get a more accurate decision. You can input estimates of earning/outgoings if you have not yet commenced work.
In addition, those already in receipt of benefits and planning to move into employment or increase their working hours may be entitled to an Adviser Discretionally Fund (ADF) which is a grant to help towards costs that may prevent someone taking up employment e.g.: child care costs, travel costs, self-employment etc
Further information: