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Beyond Limits

BEYOND LIMITS: Goals, Grit & Growth for Women

Tuesday 11th June to Wednesday 19th June 2024


Delivered Online

Designed with parent carers in mind, this group training/mentoring programme aims to support women who are parent carers to re-discover their identity, create the change they want in their lives/ work/ family, and develop their self-confidence.

Over the 4 weeks you will:

  • Be empowered to re-take control of your and your family's future

  • Re-gain the sense of identity you perhaps feel like you've lost along this journey

  • Set goals that are as unique to you as your life circumstances

  • Create a plan to bring those goals to life that doesn't just add to your 'to-do' list

  • Learn tools to build confidence

  • Make new friends who actually get 'it'.

Beyond Limits - Goals, Grit and Growth for Women will be facilitated by Claire O'Hanlon, an experienced business mentor and certified mindset coach. Claire manages the running of her own business around caring for her eldest son who has Duchenne muscular dystrophy & Autism and her youngest son who lives with DCD. Claire has blended her own experience of the challenges of being a parent carer with her skills as a business mentor & mindset coach to create this very unique programme designed to help parent carers to thrive both personally and professionally.

Sign up details:

Already registered with Women Breaking Barriers and been accepted onto the programme? Sign up now.

If you would like to join the Women Breaking Barriers programme to get access to this and other courses, Register your interest now.

5 June

GOALS Training - Surestart Antrim

11 June

Level 1 in Makaton